Common Sports Injuries In Golfers


Golf is a sport that involves a lot of arm, back, and shoulder movement. As such, injuries sustained in golf tend to be related to these body parts. But what injuries, in particular, do you need to watch out for as a golfer? Here are the key ones.

Rotator Cuff Tears and Strains

The rotator cuff is a series of ligaments and tendons that basically form a cuff or sling around your shoulder joint. Sometimes, the repetitive motion associated with golf causes wear and tear on this rotator cuff. It may swell and become irritated, in which case your shoulder will feel stiff and sore. Or, you may actually sprain or tear the rotator cuff, which will lead to more serious pain and a limited range of motion in the shoulder. Rotator cuff injuries often require surgery to repair. You may then need physical therapy for continued healing and recovery.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow does not just affect tennis players, in spite of what the name suggests. Golf requires a similar arm motion to tennis, which means it can lead to similar injuries. Tennis elbow is more formally known as elbow tendinitis. It is swelling and soreness of the tendons running along the outside of the elbow. You'll usually feel like your elbow is stiff and won't bend properly, too. If you catch tennis elbow early, you can usually heal it with rest and ice. However, more serious cases may require NSAID pain relievers, cortisone injections, and in very rare cases, surgery.

Herniated Discs

Golfers use their backs more than you might think. The back stabilizes the core as you swing. It also puts some strength into drives. If you tire your back out as a golfer and are not doing exercises to strengthen in between sessions, you may end up with a slipped disc. This is an injury in which part of the intervertebral disc bulges out from between the vertebrae. It can put pressure on nerves, causing pretty serious back pain. Herniated discs can often heal on their own with chiropractic care, pain relievers, and physical therapy. But in more serious cases, you may need surgery or a cortisone shot.

Each of the above injuries is common in golfers, so if you play this sport, be sure to keep an eye out for symptoms. If you do think you're injured, reach out to a sports injury doctor near you.


18 July 2022

ER or Urgent Care? How to Decide when Ill

I am a mother of four wonderful children, and like other parents, I have been to my fair share of health care clinics. It seems like my children are always getting scrapes and coming down with colds. When I was a new parent, I never knew whether I should take my injured or ill child to the emergency room or local urgent care facility. I received some simple advice from a seasoned parent that made my decisions easier that I want to pass onto all new parents, along with other health tips I've learned. he told me that she tended to take her children to the ER when they were bleeding or had very high temperatures and took them to the local urgent care for any other problem. I have followed her advice ever since, and my children remain healthy and happy!