Direct Primary Care FAQs


Many people these days feel that the American Health Care system is broken. The rising costs are difficult for patients to bear, and many doctors feel like they're caught in a nightmare of red tape from insurance companies and administrators. Neither patients nor doctors have the experience they need or want. Direct primary care can move doctors and patients alike away from the situation and stop insurance companies from dictating how medicine should be practiced.

3 December 2019

Is APOE Testing Right For You?


In 2017, many people began to focus on the availability of information regarding APOE. The truth is that genetics can indicate a risk factor for dementia in adulthood. Individuals with Alzheimer's tend to have a family history of the disease, but a very small percentage of people actually inherit the gene mutation that can lead to early-onset Alzheimer's. APOE is more common and refers to late-onset Alzheimer's. Want to learn more about APOE?

30 September 2019

Want To Help Women During Labor But Don't Have A Degree? 2 Tips To Become A Doula


If you want to work with women during labor but have no type of degree, there are still many jobs you can do. One of these jobs is to become a doula. Below is information about what a doula is, as well as tips on becoming one. You can then get started in this exciting career. Doula A doula is a person that is at the woman's side from when she is in labor until the baby is born.

16 May 2019

What You Should Know About High Blood Pressure


Every time you go to the doctor or hospital, one of the first things that they will check is your blood pressure. And while you may recognize this as a part of your medical care routine, you might not really give much thought to the readings or any fluctuations that may occur. However, there are many things you should keep in mind about your blood pressure, particularly if your blood pressure readings are high.

30 January 2019