Understanding How Radiotherapy Can Help Treat Your Pet


Radiotherapy isn't only for humans – in fact, it is also one of the most common treatments vets use to treat animals with cancerous lesions. How Exactly Does it Work? Radiation therapy essentially works by breaking down tiny proteins and molecules that are contained within living cells. Healthy tissue can withstand a fairly significant level of radiation – the sun is continuously acting to damage otherwise healthy cells, for example. However, cancerous tissue reacts very poorly to radiation, so radiotherapy looks to take advantage of this by blasting the area with highly concentrated radiation.

13 May 2017

Essential Features To Consider When Choosing A Hearing Aid


Modern hearing aids are so effective and convenient that they bear little resemblance to the first ear trumpets or ear horns that used to amplify sound for people who had hearing issues. When you are choosing a hearing aid, it is important to consider a variety of features to determine which one will best suit your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Hearing aids with many features may be more expensive, but you may be able to get help in paying for your hearing aid.

6 January 2017

4 Bunion Symptoms That You Cannot Afford To Ignore


Bunions are quite unwelcome deformities that occur in the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint that connects your foot to your big toe. More simply put, they are bumps at the base of your big toe of your right or left foot. If left untreated, it can increase in both severity and size until it causes major problems for your mobility. It's important to seek treatment if you experience any of these symptoms of having a bunion.

6 January 2017