4 Bunion Symptoms That You Cannot Afford To Ignore


Bunions are quite unwelcome deformities that occur in the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint that connects your foot to your big toe. More simply put, they are bumps at the base of your big toe of your right or left foot. If left untreated, it can increase in both severity and size until it causes major problems for your mobility. It's important to seek treatment if you experience any of these symptoms of having a bunion.

Symptom #1: Redness and Swelling Around the Big Toe Joint

If you notice a redness and swelling around your big toe joint, that may be a symptom of a bunion. A doctor can take an x-ray and diagnose whether that is the true cause of the redness and swelling, or if there may also be another underlying cause. If other complications and any sort of discomfort accompany this symptom, it is especially important to get it checked out.

Symptom #2: Firm Bump on the Outside Edge of the Big Toe

Perhaps the most obvious physical symptom of having a bunion is a firm bump that appears at the base of the big toe. The presence of this bump can make it difficult for you to find properly fitted shoes. This bump usually just occurs on one of your feet, not both. Blisters sometimes pop up in the area around the bunion, too.

Symptom #3: Increasing Pain When Walking

It's important to go for bunion treatment if the bunion causes you discomfort and, even worse, pain. If it's getting severe, time is of the essence when seeking treatment. If you experience pain directly on the bunion, that may be caused by pressure from the shoes that you wear. On the other hand, if you have pain that originates on the bottom of your foot, that can signify that the issue is bigger.

Symptom #4: Shifting of the Big Toe Towards Other Toes

A bunion can cause the big toe to shift towards the second toe on your foot. Calluses and corns can also develop in the overlapping areas of your first and second toes. Because of this shift, you may subsequently experience restricted movement of your big toe.

Finally, keep in mind that a wide variety of bunion treatment options are available. If you experience any of the bunion symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible. You may be able to avoid surgery with such treatments as medications, switching shoes, applying ice, or splinting. The sooner you start treatment for the bunion, the sooner you can start enjoying a full recovery from this frustrating condition. 

For more information, contact a business such as High Desert Foot & Ankle Clinic - Wonsik Y Bollmann DPM.


6 January 2017

ER or Urgent Care? How to Decide when Ill

I am a mother of four wonderful children, and like other parents, I have been to my fair share of health care clinics. It seems like my children are always getting scrapes and coming down with colds. When I was a new parent, I never knew whether I should take my injured or ill child to the emergency room or local urgent care facility. I received some simple advice from a seasoned parent that made my decisions easier that I want to pass onto all new parents, along with other health tips I've learned. he told me that she tended to take her children to the ER when they were bleeding or had very high temperatures and took them to the local urgent care for any other problem. I have followed her advice ever since, and my children remain healthy and happy!