Needing More Information About POTS Syndrome? Start With These Important Facts


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), is a medical condition of which many people have little or no knowledge. Yet, current estimates provided by The Johns Hopkins University state that as many as three million Americans currently suffer from POTS. If you or someone in your family is suspected of having developed this medical condition, the following information may provide insight that will help you better understand POTS and how it may affect your life.

20 November 2020

Topical Creams Used For Joint Pain Treatment


If you have recently been struggling with joint pain and have learned that you have arthritis, then it may be time to start thinking about investing in some treatments to help reduce the discomfort. And, topical agents are often effective in minimizing pain. If you have never used any of these treatments before, there are a few different options available to you. Keep reading to learn a little bit about them.

10 August 2020

Need A New Anti-Anxiety Medication? Try Ketamine Therapy


If you have debilitating anxiety that makes it so you can't do the things that you need to do, you need to talk with a psychiatric professional about what you can do. If your current medications and anti-depressants aren't working effectively, it may be time to change things up. New developments are occurring all the time, and your current prescriptions may not be best for your body or your anxiety. Talk with your physician about these things so you can try to find a way to heal your anxiety.

31 March 2020