What To Do When A Family Member Gets Lice


If a member of your household gets lice, it can be an unnerving situation because lice are easily transferred from person to person through contact with contaminated items. There are a number of things that you should do to protect others from catching lice. The first thing you need to do is get the family member who has lice treated. Lice removal services can be provided by health care clinics, urgent care centers, doctors' offices, or emergency rooms. After the removal, you will need to perform a few tasks to protect your other family members.

Kill lice on hair accessories or replace them.

Lice will die when exposed to extreme temperatures. This means that you can use boiling water to kill lice on combs, hair bows, and brushes. Some people find it easier and preferable to replace these items. This may also give you peace of mind. Another option is to place the haircare items in a zip bag. Put the bag in your freezer for a few days to kill the lice. 

Wash all washable items that the family member with lice has made contact with.

You need to launder these items in hot water. Examples of potentially contaminated items are backpacks, clothing, bedding, bath towels, and stuffed animals. You should also dry these items thoroughly in a hot dryer. The bed that the family member has slept in needs to be checked for lice periodically for the next few weeks. The lice removal provider may have a recommendation for treating mattresses to ensure that they are lice-free. 

"Pick" lice up from surfaces that are not washer machine compatible as a first defense.

You can use a lint roller on surfaces such as your couch and other cloth furnishings. It is best to use one that has an adhesive backing to ensure that any lice "picked" up will adhere to the surface. You can tear off used sections and discard them until you have used the technique on all surfaces.

Consider professional cleaning if lice appear to still be present in your home.

Reinfestation of the same family member or a new lice case in the home might mean that you did not successfully remove the lice. Your furniture might be the culprit. Instead of buying new furniture, you could get the upholstery professionally cleaned. These professionals have access to cleaning equipment that utilizes heat and steam, which can kill lice. 

When you are sure that all traces of lice are no longer in your home, check your children weekly for the presence of lice. You should also check items such as jackets and hats worn to school for lice. Advise your children not to share these personal garments with others.

For more information on lice removal services, contact a location such as Lice Clinics Hawaii.


15 November 2016

ER or Urgent Care? How to Decide when Ill

I am a mother of four wonderful children, and like other parents, I have been to my fair share of health care clinics. It seems like my children are always getting scrapes and coming down with colds. When I was a new parent, I never knew whether I should take my injured or ill child to the emergency room or local urgent care facility. I received some simple advice from a seasoned parent that made my decisions easier that I want to pass onto all new parents, along with other health tips I've learned. he told me that she tended to take her children to the ER when they were bleeding or had very high temperatures and took them to the local urgent care for any other problem. I have followed her advice ever since, and my children remain healthy and happy!