
Addiction Transfers And Treatment Methods


A recovering addict is prone to choosing a new substance or activity to take the place of the original one that they have sought treatment for. An addiction transfer can become a serious problem, if the substitute is unhealthy or if an addict is consumed with the replacement. The Brain An active addict's brain uses a reward system when the addict is supplied with the substance or activity of choice. An addiction could involve taking a prescription or non-prescription drug, drinking alcohol, gambling, overworking, or being consumed with any other substance or activity.

14 September 2022

Common Sports Injuries In Golfers


Golf is a sport that involves a lot of arm, back, and shoulder movement. As such, injuries sustained in golf tend to be related to these body parts. But what injuries, in particular, do you need to watch out for as a golfer? Here are the key ones. Rotator Cuff Tears and Strains The rotator cuff is a series of ligaments and tendons that basically form a cuff or sling around your shoulder joint.

18 July 2022

4 Categories Of Services Found At Health Care Centers


A healthy body and mind can allow a person to live their best life. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health care practitioners strive to help patients achieve and maintain good health by providing necessary services. Health care centers are medical facilities where people can have many of their physical and mental health care needs met. These are four categories of services that patients can find at their local health care center:

20 May 2022

Three Common Joint Inflammation Treatment Options


Joint inflammation is a physical reaction resulting from the body's immune response to harmful stimuli, such as infections, injuries, pathogens, or irritants, preventing body tissue and cell damage. Blood vessels usually widen to transport white cells and platelets to the injured site, causing the joint to swell. Joint inflammation is usually localized in the injured or infected part but can spread to multiple joints in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Inflammatory arthritis is a joint-related condition involving lupus, systemic sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis, which are chronic or progressive.

5 April 2022

The Primary Benefits Of Undergoing Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery


When you suffer an injury to your spinal column, you might experience excruciating pain that prohibits you from living your normal everyday life. Simple tasks like getting out of bed or taking a shower might be so painful that you prefer not to attempt them at all. Instead of living with the constant pain, you may want to undergo treatment that may heal your back injury. You may find it best to choose minimally invasive spine surgery for it.

17 January 2022

Recurrent Hand And Finger Warts: Can A Dermatologist Treat Yours?


If you suffer from hand and finger warts on a regular basis, see a dermatologist for treatment soon. The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes warts to grow on various parts of your body, including the hands. Warts can be recurrent if they show up all the time. Learn more about recurrent warts and how a dermatologist treats them below. What Are Hand Warts? Warts, or verruca vulgaris, develop on skin exposed to the human papillomavirus.

26 October 2021

What Is The Hemorrhoidectomy Procedure Like?


Hemorrhoids are quite common and often go away on their own. However, there are severe cases that can cause extreme pain and reduce someone's quality of life. In severe cases where the hemorrhoids are affecting a person's ability to do day-to-day tasks, there is a procedure — a hemorrhoidectomy — that can remove the hemorrhoids.  What Are Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in your anus or rectum are swollen. 

5 August 2021

What Will You Learn During Medication Management Training?


If you are thinking about getting some training to improve your education, you may have considered medication management training. This kind of training can be a very beneficial tool that helps you perform your job in a way that is better for your clients and patients. These are some of the things you will learn during your medication management training courses. The Challenges of the Job One of the first things you will learn about medication management regards the kinds of challenges you face on the job.

12 April 2021

Supportive Therapies To Combat Nausea During Cancer Treatment


Nausea is one of the most common side effects of cancer treatment and can occur as a response to both radiation and chemotherapy. Not only is nausea annoying, but it can keep patients from eating, which means their bodies do not get the nutrition needed to recover. Thankfully, there are several supportive therapies that are used to manage nausea related to cancer treatment. Antiemetic Medications These medications are generally prescribed alongside chemotherapy drugs to help curb nausea.

20 January 2021

Needing More Information About POTS Syndrome? Start With These Important Facts


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), is a medical condition of which many people have little or no knowledge. Yet, current estimates provided by The Johns Hopkins University state that as many as three million Americans currently suffer from POTS. If you or someone in your family is suspected of having developed this medical condition, the following information may provide insight that will help you better understand POTS and how it may affect your life.

20 November 2020