Tips For Preparing For Surgery


If you have a surgery coming up, it is important to make sure that you know all of the things that you need to do in order to prepare for it. To help you with this, you will want to review the following tips. Ask Your Doctor About Which Medications To Stop Taking While there are some medications you can continue to take all of the way up to surgery and thereafter, there are some that you must stop.

28 October 2016

Step On A Crack And Break Your Back? What You Need To Know About Teenagers And Chiropractic Care


When you think of chiropractors, it's likely that you probably picture them working on a middle-aged adult with a bad back, aching hips, or some other malady due to their semi-advanced age. But chiropractors aren't just for treating older peopleā€”in fact, many teens make visits to the chiropractor each year, and experts say that many more should be making regular visits to chiropractors to sort out the all-too-common skeletal pain that teenagers can suffer from.

28 October 2016

Tight Calves Put You At Risk Of Injuries As A Runner


As a runner, you use most of the muscles in your legs. But your calf muscles (such as your gastrocnemius and soleus) work particularly hard. It's not uncommon for these muscles to tighten up due to such heavy use. Unfortunately, tight calves contribute to many common injuries in runners. What injuries may be perpetuated by tight calves? Most running injuries can be classified as over-use injuries. They happen when you work the same muscles over and over again.

27 October 2016

3 Things To Consider When Evaluating Adoptive Families


Making the decision to place a child for adoption can be difficult. Many birth mothers find that selecting the right adoptive family can be a critical step in knowing that adoption is the right option for their child. If you are considering adoption for your baby, here are three tips that you can use to help make the selection of the perfect adoptive family a feasible goal. 1. Consider your own upbringing.

25 October 2016

Understanding Acute Flaccid Myelitis And How It Could Affect Your Child


As a parent, much of your time and effort in life is spent trying to keep your child safe from either injury or illness. One of the severe conditions that many parents are unaware of is one called acute flaccid myelitis. Get to know more about this serious ailment that usually affects children. Then, you can be sure that your awareness regarding acute flaccid myelitis helps you to take better care of your child now and in the future.

13 October 2016

Why Are You Still Suffering From Pollen Allergies When You've Been Taking Your Medication Properly?


Pollen allergies can be quite a nightmare, causing sneezing, watery eyes, and a scratchy throat. Prescription medications should help, but if you're still suffering from symptoms while taking your medications, it's easy to get frustrated. The problem may be that you're still being exposed to too many allergens. Taking steps to decrease your pollen exposure should help alleviate those final, lingering symptoms that the allergy meds aren't touching. Here are a few steps to take.

13 October 2016